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Carbon (Alcohol part 2)

This posting is next step from Carbon (Alcohol part 1). In the previous post we have been discussing until Classification Alcohol, let's continue:

Physically it will be difficult to distinguish between primary alcohols, secondary and tertiary. Due to the smell and color of the three can be said to be the same. How that can be used to differentiate is oxidize using KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, H2CrO4 or O2 with the following differences:

a) if the primary alcohol is oxidized compounds will be generated if aldehidenya and further oxidized resulting carboxylic acid compounds.

b) if the secondary alcohol is oxidized compounds, the alcanon will be generated.

c) Tertiary alcohols can not be oxidized

Based on the amount of alcohol function groups divided into alcohol monovalent and polyvalent alcohol.

a) Alcohol is a monovalent alcohol having only one functional group-OH.

CH3–CH2–OH => Etanol
CH3–CH2–CH2–OH =>Proponal

b) Polyvalent Alcohol is a type of alcohol compounds having more than one functional group.


4. Properties of Alcohol

In general, compounds having alcohol beberapat properties, as follows:

1) Flammable

2) Easy to mix with water

3) Form of phase at room temperature:

- With C 1 s / d 4 in the form of a gas or liquid

- With C 5 s / d 9 in the form of viscous liquids such as oil

- With C 10 or more is a solid

4) In general, alcohol has a boiling point which is quite high compared alkananya. This is due to the above molecular hydrogen bonding.


5. Creation Alcohol

a) Methanol

Methanol is a toxic type of hard alcohol, can cause blindness and death. Methanol is usually made and a mixture of CO and H2 using ZnO or Cr2O3 catalyst at a temperature of 400 Celcius degree and a pressure of 200 atm.

b) Ethanol
Unlike the methanol, ethanol is a alcohol compound that is not toxic. Ethanol can be made from the fermentation of carbohydrates.
In the ethanol industry, are usually made by way of ethane using water.

6. Some Specific Reactions of Alcohol

1) The reaction of alcohols with active metals (Na, K, Mg, etc.) will be marked formation of H2 gas. All types of alcohol will react with the active metal.
R – OH + M => R – OM + ½ H2

2) Alcohol will react with carboxylic acids coumponds to be ester. This reaction is often known as the esterification reaction.

7. Use of Alcohol

Some use alcohol compounds in everyday life include:

1) In general, alcohol is used as solvent. Example: lacquer and varnish

2) Ethanol with levels of 76% is used as an antiseptic agent.

3) Ethanol also as an ingredient in many plastics, explosives, kosmestik.

4) A mixture of ethanol and methanol is used as fuel commonly known as methylated.

5) Ethanol is widely used in the manufacture of liquor.

So posting about Carbon Compounds (Alcohol), in the next post we will discuss about the other carbon compounds, namely Ether / alkoxy alkanes. May be useful for you.
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Carbon (Alcohol part 2) Reviewed by Anonymous on 10:03 AM Rating: 5

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