Surface Equipment : Well Head
Chrismast Tree - Well head, Single Composite Tree |
The surface connection of the wellbore is to the Christmas tree, a series of valves installed on the wellhead to control the flow of fluids from the well. There are many types and designs to suit the wellsite and reservoir fluid conditions. Wellhead pressure, fluid type, corrosive content, temperature and available space, are some of the parameters affecting the choice of tree or valve design and specification. It is important that slicklineline operations personnel are familiar with the basic types options available.
Single Composite Tree
Used on low pressure (up to 3000 psi) oil wells; this type of tree is in common use worldwide. The number of joints and potential leakage points make it unsuitable for high-pressure applications or for use on gas wells. Composite dual trees are also available but are not in common use.
Single Solid Block Tree
For higher-pressure applications, the valve seats and components are installed in a one-piece solid block body. Trees of this type are available up to 10,000 psi or even higher if required.
Dual Solid Block Tree
For dual tubing strings, the solid block tree is the most widely used configuration. The two options shown are the most common designs. The valves controlling the flow from the deeper zone, the long string, are the lower valves on the tree. While there are some exceptions to this convention, unless the tree is clearly marked it can be assumed that the valve position reflect the subsurface connections.
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Surface Equipment : Well Head
Reviewed by Industri Migas
9:32 PM
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