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Slickline Equipment : No - Knot Rope Socket

Slickline Equipment
No - Knot Type Slickline Rope Socket
The No-knot rope socket, also known as a teardrop or wedge rope socket, is designed for 0.108 in. and 0.125 in. sli ckline. W hile it can be also used for 0.092 in., the knot t ype r ope socket is m ore common for the t hinner wire. The standard socket body has an internal taper to accept the thimble. However, a thimble eye is available to convert the older style of rope socket. The end of the wire is bent to fit the curve at the bottom of the ‘teardrop’, with the ‘short’ side slightly shorter than the side of the thimble. The groove in the thimble of these sockets is not deep enough to accommodate the total thickness of the slickline. As the security of the slickline depends upon its being ‘pinched’ between the thimble and body, care must be taken to ensure the correct size of socket is selected for the slickline in use. As the internal components of the teardrop rope socket do not permit the wire to rotate, it is essential to include a swivel immediately below the rope socket. Do not substitute a knuckle joint in place of a swivel. A swivel has 1 to 5 of lateral movement, where a knuckle is not designed to rotate under load and has 15 of lateral movement. In the event of it being necessary to fish the rope socket, a knuckle joint will allow it to lay over against the side of the tubing wall at an angle which may make latching difficult or impossible.
Rope Socket Size Data Sheet
Rope Socket Size
The rope socket is used to make the connection between the slickline and tool string.
Slickline Equipment : No - Knot Rope Socket Reviewed by 0xdermawan on 8:24 PM Rating: 5

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