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Canadian LNG Project Receive Conditional Approval from Petronas

A consortium led by Petronas, Malaysia's state energy firm, said on Thursday that it will move forward with its Pacific Northwest LNG project in British Columbia, on the condition that it is approved by Canada's environmental regulator.

The final investment decision comes as the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) has again paused its review of the $11 billion liquefied natural gas export terminal, requesting further information from the company on plans to mitigate damage to a salmon spawning habitat.

In a statement, the company said the project had satisfied all required technical and commercial components, and would go ahead subject to CEAA approval and a finalization of the project development agreement.
"The meeting today with shareholders of Pacific Northwest LNG and the board members was monumental in moving the project forward," project president Michael Culbert told Reuters, adding that the partners want to start construction as soon as the two "manageable" conditions are met.

The export terminal, located on Lelu Island near the port city of Prince Rupert, is part of a broader $36 billion investment by Petronas and its partners in Canadian natural gas. If constructed, it will be Canada's first LNG export facility.

But the development is opposed by some aboriginal and environmentalists, who say it will harm a sensitive salmon habitat adjacent to the site.

The environmental review of the project was halted for a third time this month, after the CEAA requested additional 3D modelling on the impact to the habitat, along with effects to traditional aboriginal fisheries and marine animals. (Reuters)
Canadian LNG Project Receive Conditional Approval from Petronas Reviewed by Unknown on 9:40 PM Rating: 5


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