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Natural Gas Selling Price is Determined from it


Natural Gas Analysis

Produced gas from the gas well is a mixture of several components, especially hydrocarbons component. High valuable gas is a gas that has a high BTU/scf value or heating value, in other words if the heating value of a natural gas is high accordingly sale value (price) of the gas will be more expensive. Heating value is the amount of heat produced by combustion of a unit quantity of a fuel (oil and gas). Gas heating value (GHV) defined as BTU/scf. It's means the amount of BTU heat produced by combustion of a scf (standard cubic feet) gas.
Properties of natural gas from gas analysis
Gas Analysis Results

How to know gas heating value ?

Gas Analysis is the way to know the properties of natural gas. Each of produced gas have different properties depends on reservoir characteristics of the produced gas well. Sample from gas well will be analyze with GPA 2145-09 method in the laboratory by gas chromatograph. Gas chromatograph is a equipment to analyze gas properties. In the picture above we can see the result from gas analysis from gas chromatography.
Natural Gas Selling Price is Determined from it Reviewed by 0xdermawan on 1:21 AM Rating: 5


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